Addendum to Leitmotif 8: EU spins the Wheel of Fortune
EU Parliament’s de facto rejection of “One-China” policy
Two votes by the European Parliament last Wednesday require a quick addendum to the final installment of the May you live in interesting times series, The Wheel of Fortune, Leitmotif 8.
In that piece, I described the rising risk of self-accelerating Global entropy and potential for the near-term collapse of the post-World War II liberal order (PWLO) amid spreading international disorder. But I also asserted that the acceleration may not be random. It may instead reflect an active strategy by China and Russia – the “dragons” – and their allies to overwhelm the US and its Western allies with the dual aims of discrediting and replacing the PWLO and facilitating the dragons’ territorial ambitions, including China’s claims on Taiwan. The European Parliament’s language informs the probability of both and may have changed the probability of the latter.